Zhengzhou LP Industry CO.,LTD
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Zhengzhou LP Industry CO.LTD
E-mail: office@cnlpzz.com
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High Temperature Resistant Aluminum Clad Wire

High temperature resistant aluminum clad wire is our main product, such as 1350-O aluminum round wire. Because of the wide range of temperature ratings and applications for high temperature wire, there are many different agency certifications available. 

High temperature cable constructions, from the conductor to the insulation system, are rated for temperatures of 125°C, 150°C, 200°C, 250°C, 450°C and 550°C. High Temperature Enameled Aluminum Wire What is High Temperature Wire

The use of wire and cable products outside of their design temperature range can lead to premature and often costly service failures. High temperature wire is usually defined as wire rated at 125°C or higher, but high temperature can also refer to wire rated down to 90°C.

What is Aluminum Core Steel Core Cable?
Aluminum-core steel-reinforced cable (ACSR) is a high-capacity, high-strength stranded conductor typically used for overhead power lines. The outer strand is made of high-purity aluminum, chosen for its good electrical conductivity, light weight and low cost. The center strand is made of steel, which provides additional strength and helps support the weight of the conductor.

High-temperature resistant aluminum-clad wire, also known as aluminum-clad wire or aluminum-clad copper wire, is a type of wire designed to withstand high temperatures. It combines the electrical conductivity of copper with the high temperature resistance of aluminum, making it suitable for a variety of industrial and electrical applications where heat exposure is a concern. 

Core: The core of the wire is usually made of copper, which has excellent electrical conductivity. Copper is an efficient conductor of electricity and is suitable for transmitting electrical signals and power.

COATING MATERIAL: The outer layer of the wire is aluminum, which is resistant to high temperatures. Aluminum can withstand higher temperatures than copper without melting or degrading.

Temperature Resistance: High temperature resistant aluminized wire is designed to operate at temperatures significantly higher than standard copper wire. It can withstand temperatures from 150°C (302°F) to 250°C (482°F) and higher, depending on the specific product and manufacturer.

Weight Reduction: Aluminized wire is lighter than pure copper wire, which is beneficial in applications where weight reduction is required.

INDUSTRIAL HEATING ELEMENTS: This wire is commonly used in industrial heating elements such as electric furnaces, ovens and heaters where high temperatures are required for various processes.

Appliance Wiring: High temperature resistant aluminum clad wire is used in appliances that are constantly exposed to heat such as stoves, toasters and heaters.

Automotive Wiring: Aluminum-coated wire may be used in some automotive applications, especially those near high-temperature components such as engines or exhaust systems, due to its heat resistance.

Aerospace: This wire may be used in aerospace applications where extreme temperatures need to be withstood during flight or rocket launches.

Power Transmission: In certain high-temperature power transmission applications, such as in power distribution systems, this wire may be used where high temperatures need to be considered.

Specialized Industrial Applications: Various industrial processes and equipment, such as industrial ovens, kilns, and glass manufacturing, may require high temperature resistant wire.

When using high temperature resistant aluminized wire, it is critical to ensure that it meets the specific temperature and conductivity requirements of the application. Manufacturers often provide specifications and guidelines for the use of their products, and consulting with them or a qualified electrical engineer can help ensure proper wire selection and installation. In addition, adherence to safety and regulatory standards is critical for reliable and safe operation.

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