Zhengzhou LP Industry CO.,LTD
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Zhengzhou LP Industry CO.LTD
E-mail: office@cnlpzz.com
Mobile: +86-18103865695
Tél: +86-371-65861282
Fax: +86-371-65861123
Adresse: No. 86, Jinzhong Road, district de Jinshui, ville de Zhengzhou, parent de sexe masculin. Chine.

Electromagnetic wire industry news

Electromagnetic wire, also known as winding wire, is a type of wire with an insulating layer of electrically conductive metal wire It is an insulated wire used in the manufacture of coils or windings of electrical products. Electromagnetic wire consists of two parts: the conductor and the insulating layer. The bare wire is annealed and softened, then coated and baked several times, and generally has four main properties: mechanical, chemical, electrical and thermal. The working principle of electromagnetic wire is to use Faraday's electromagnetic induction effect to produce a magnetic field by current, or cut magnetic lines of force to produce induction current to achieve the mutual conversion of electrical energy and magnetic field energy, which is an important part of household appliances, electrical equipment, industrial motors, automobile motors, power tools, instruments and other products.

Electromagnetic wire can be divided into copper-based electromagnetic wire, aluminum-based electromagnetic wire and alloy electromagnetic wire according to different conductors, of which the most used in the market is copper-based and aluminum-based electromagnetic wire. The upstream industry of electromagnetic wire is mainly aluminum, copper and insulation material production and processing enterprises, the downstream applications are more extensive, covering household appliances, transformers, industrial motors and many other fields, the development of the downstream industry directly affects the development of the electromagnetic wire industry.

After years of rapid development, China's electromagnetic wire market has tended to mature. In recent years, with the slowdown of the national economic growth, the growth rate of the electromagnetic wire market size has also gradually slowed down.

1. Richer product range

With the more diversified needs of downstream industries, as well as product upgrades and technology updates in downstream industries, new product demands will be brought to the electromagnetic wire industry, making a richer variety. With the improvement of insulation materials and the development of new products, the range of thermal grades is expanding and the variety of the same thermal grade is increasing to meet the needs of different industries.

2, industry integration has increased, and the direction of scale development is clear

At present, China's electromagnetic wire production enterprises, its annual production capacity from more than a thousand tons to an annual output of 100,000 tons, including aluminum-based electromagnetic wire production enterprises in the production capacity of more than 10,000 tons or less, and its product homogenization is more serious, making the electromagnetic wire industry competition is more adequate. With the slowdown of China's economic growth, increased competition in the electromagnetic wire industry, rising labor costs and environmental requirements, small and medium-sized enterprises in the industry will face greater operating pressure.

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